martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

My experience with the blog I found entertaining, educational and very personalized. I could share things that in a normal conversation not say.
Many of my friends and my family asked me about the things I wrote on the blog because it is not a common way to know about a person and to learn so some truly things is much more "entertaining", in other words, otside the usual,I really liked the way the teacher let us write what we wanted to share and not a pattern of how we had to. In addition, you learn more when practicing and going as we were writing more blogs we were going to see our mistakes and was more evident to correct them.In the future I would like to write about our families, our ancestors and how we see our offspring. Another thing I would like to write in this blog, stories or thoughts would be that everyone would like to share or discuss a topic of interest in the national and international level. such as the AFP`s or J.J.O.O and discuss placing each his views and debating it in the comments. So we could learn from how you think each of these issues.


well, some of you know that I was born in Perù so I dont think if count as travel. I have not traveled much because I cant save money to travel but I have 3 trips very present in my memories. The first was when as a family we first went to the beach together, we traveled from the central coast to Guanaqueros, a small town near La Serena Beach. We had incredible moments as a family. The second most important trip was when we went to Bariloche as study tour. I love this trip because it was this journey that brought us together as friends and until this day we keep in touch. The third most important trip was when I went to the beach with my friends. It was too special for me to share with them a whole week, an experience I would like to repeat a thousand times. in my "sueños viajeros" It can go to any Olympic Games or any final of a football tournament where this my favorite team: Manchester United. Also in my dreams I see to go with my brother to "mochilear". we intend to do next summer but we are still raising money to fulfill our dreams.

A Subject I've enjoyed studying this semester

 This semester was pretty thankless because we lost  many days in the "paro" but also enjoy this recces to ask myself what is my favorite subject this semester?.
The answer surprised myself when I discovered that I liked the subject of " introduccion al calculo". I was surprised because in high school I hated maths but this teacher Claudio Armijo he taught in a way that motivates me to keep looking on this topic.
Although I'm allways being late to his class because its in the morning so maybe if you could change the schedule would the best subject in the world.
I prefer the practice subjects because I learn more looking than listening theories but in some subjects I prefer listening theories.

I hope that this motivation for maths and the other subjects last until the end of the year because when one strives to achieve a result by itself is highly satisfactory.


A person on my field that I admire

                    hello everyone, today i would  talk about a person who I admire because she and my brother helped me to decide study a chemical carrer.

His name is Brenda Aros Arriati, she was born in 11, April in 1968 in Santiago de Chile.
 she estudied the primary school in Juan Pablo Duarte and his secundary school in Carmela Carvajal Prat.
after that. she studied Pedagogy in Chemistry and Natural Sciences in metropolitan university of educational sciences where she was teacher assistant in the subject of physical chemistry.

When she became in a teacher, she started to teach in the Josè Victorino Lastarria high school and in this place was where I met.

another of their topics of interest are the proteccion of the animals and the environment 

I admire her because is a very good teacher and transmits their concern for their students and motivates us follow our dreams 

all of them are chemistry teachers in my high school but she was allways my favorite.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016


Today, I want to talk about my favorite piece of technology.
My favorite is the game console but I use every day my smartphone because thanks to my smartphone I find news from around the world only pressing the screen. I use my smartphone when I want listening music or watch some movie in Netflix. Also, I use my phone for communicate with my family, my friends and my girlfriend. I think it's not the best way to communicate with someone, but it is a very useful tool when you organize a trip or a football match, even a birthday surprise.
but there is a big problem with smartphones, being so useful with the information and communication people tend to become addicted to these devices. So that traduce in a very big problem with the society and the future generations because they will grow up with a smartphone in their hands and that will develop their imagination and creativity.
In conclusion, Smartphone is a very useful tool but if is used correctly 

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016


hello everyone, today I will speak about videogames. I LOVE THE VIDEOGAMES, I think videogames was the best invention in the history of humanity but also the worst because is a very good thing for get distracted from the world and the problems but it’s a serious problem when someone gets addicted and start postpone tasks, compromises and people because this games.
I remember when I was child, my grandmother took me and my brother to the beach in the summer and in the afternoon we went to the center of the town and she gave us some coins for waste in the “maquinitas” as she said. I remember when I lived in Peru, my brother received a Gameboy Color with the game:” Pokémon Yellow” and I just watching while he played.
When we arrived to Santiago, in Christmas my aunt and his boyfriend gave us to my brother and I a Nintendo 64 with 2 players, that means I could play. After that, I received the PS one, PS two and I bought with a little help of my mom my PS3.
The videogames that spend more time in my life are FIFA, Metal slug, Resident Evil and others but this are the most important.

Nowadays, I sold my Ps3 for buy the “new” PS4 but other things have changed my plans and now I saving for it.

Manchester United is my favorite team in Fifa. I'm invincible with this team
Resultado de imagen para resident evil 5

and this game was the first game of "horror" I played because I was afraid others

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Moments of my life

I don’t have just one favorite picture so I chose some of the most important moments in my life

The first picture is when me and my friends went to the beach in February, I like this photograph because they are my best friends and that week was the funniest in all summer.

The second picture was when we all had lunch together like students of chemistry in the college. This moment for me was very special because in that moment I felt I was in the right place doing the thing that I love


And the last picture was when my family and I went to the cinema in January to watch Star Wars (my favorite saga) in 3DX. It was a very exciting moment when the yellow letters appeared in the screen I felt like a child in a candy shop. That day was very important to me because we never go out together and that day we were able to enjoy the movie and I remember it as a  happy family moment.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2016


Well, music is something very important to me because I think it's a type of art where everybody can express their feelings. Also, music is part of culture for some countries, music shows part of our culture and our beliefs and that's very interesting to get to know each other.

 I dont like when someone mocks another person because they dont listen to the same music. So, my “philosophy” is listen to all kinds of music.

When I was in first year of high school I only listened to heavy metal but in second year of high school I discovered what I’m currently listening to. Currently, I listen so much rock and some “new” style called vaporwave what is a combination of electro, retro music and effects in a computer.

My favorites bands are Radiohead, The cure, Jamiroquai, Iron Maiden, Miranda, Muse, etc.

I’ve always preferred listening to music because I suck when I try to play any instrument. It's funny because in my home I have two guitars and one bass but I dont know how to play them.

Today, I’m excited because Radiohead released a new song and sounds very well.


martes, 19 de abril de 2016


When I was a kid and the people asking me what I want for the rest of my life and I respond:” I will become in a teacher” because I love the satisfaction when you help someone and in this case when you help to someone younger than you to follow their dreams. That´s the reason why I choose in first time being a teacher but time went by I prefer other careers like medicine and even being soccer player but I´m very bad playing. In second year of high school, my chemistry teacher says some very important to me, she says:” We must choose a career in which we are the best”, and that’s the reason why I want to study Chemistry and Pharmaceutics.

When I knew the result of the test PSU, I feel very disappointment because this score don’t be enough for the career so I decided in the moment study Chemistry. When the subject “Introduccion a la Carrera de quimica” start I felt I was in the right place and that’s the career that I looking for.

My goals now are try to became in a chemical and work maybe in a college or in a project for the children´s where they discover the wonderful world of chemistry.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Gettin to know Maxi

Hello, my name is Maximiliano Efrain Calderon Bravo, but everyone call me maxi. I was born in May, 12th 1998 in Lima, Peru. My family consists of my father Silvano , my mother Tatiana,  my oldest brother Hector , my cats Chumingo and Carlota  and my dog Hippie.

When I had 4 years, I moving to Santiago because my parents mist their country and we start living in La Florida until today. I studied since the first grade to six grade in the Liahona School. After that, I started study since seven grade to last year of high school at José Victorino Lastarria high school. Currently, I Chemistry at Universidad de Chile college.

My favorite activities are play not matter what with my friends. They are my support when I´m sad and the reason because I consider me a happy person. I really like play soccer, videogames and lately I like play rugby after college. Also, I like dye my hair with extravagant colors.