martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

A person on my field that I admire

                    hello everyone, today i would  talk about a person who I admire because she and my brother helped me to decide study a chemical carrer.

His name is Brenda Aros Arriati, she was born in 11, April in 1968 in Santiago de Chile.
 she estudied the primary school in Juan Pablo Duarte and his secundary school in Carmela Carvajal Prat.
after that. she studied Pedagogy in Chemistry and Natural Sciences in metropolitan university of educational sciences where she was teacher assistant in the subject of physical chemistry.

When she became in a teacher, she started to teach in the Josè Victorino Lastarria high school and in this place was where I met.

another of their topics of interest are the proteccion of the animals and the environment 

I admire her because is a very good teacher and transmits their concern for their students and motivates us follow our dreams 

all of them are chemistry teachers in my high school but she was allways my favorite.

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