martes, 9 de agosto de 2016


well, some of you know that I was born in Perù so I dont think if count as travel. I have not traveled much because I cant save money to travel but I have 3 trips very present in my memories. The first was when as a family we first went to the beach together, we traveled from the central coast to Guanaqueros, a small town near La Serena Beach. We had incredible moments as a family. The second most important trip was when we went to Bariloche as study tour. I love this trip because it was this journey that brought us together as friends and until this day we keep in touch. The third most important trip was when I went to the beach with my friends. It was too special for me to share with them a whole week, an experience I would like to repeat a thousand times. in my "sueños viajeros" It can go to any Olympic Games or any final of a football tournament where this my favorite team: Manchester United. Also in my dreams I see to go with my brother to "mochilear". we intend to do next summer but we are still raising money to fulfill our dreams.

1 comentario:

  1. Maybe a visit to Peru and a posterior trip to the nearest countries can be a nice option to visit and know, I think
