martes, 3 de mayo de 2016


Well, music is something very important to me because I think it's a type of art where everybody can express their feelings. Also, music is part of culture for some countries, music shows part of our culture and our beliefs and that's very interesting to get to know each other.

 I dont like when someone mocks another person because they dont listen to the same music. So, my “philosophy” is listen to all kinds of music.

When I was in first year of high school I only listened to heavy metal but in second year of high school I discovered what I’m currently listening to. Currently, I listen so much rock and some “new” style called vaporwave what is a combination of electro, retro music and effects in a computer.

My favorites bands are Radiohead, The cure, Jamiroquai, Iron Maiden, Miranda, Muse, etc.

I’ve always preferred listening to music because I suck when I try to play any instrument. It's funny because in my home I have two guitars and one bass but I dont know how to play them.

Today, I’m excited because Radiohead released a new song and sounds very well.


2 comentarios:

  1. i remember than you have a profile picture of jamiroquai, now i see this picture and rememner tu you <3

  2. I agree with your taste of music :)
