martes, 24 de mayo de 2016


hello everyone, today I will speak about videogames. I LOVE THE VIDEOGAMES, I think videogames was the best invention in the history of humanity but also the worst because is a very good thing for get distracted from the world and the problems but it’s a serious problem when someone gets addicted and start postpone tasks, compromises and people because this games.
I remember when I was child, my grandmother took me and my brother to the beach in the summer and in the afternoon we went to the center of the town and she gave us some coins for waste in the “maquinitas” as she said. I remember when I lived in Peru, my brother received a Gameboy Color with the game:” Pokémon Yellow” and I just watching while he played.
When we arrived to Santiago, in Christmas my aunt and his boyfriend gave us to my brother and I a Nintendo 64 with 2 players, that means I could play. After that, I received the PS one, PS two and I bought with a little help of my mom my PS3.
The videogames that spend more time in my life are FIFA, Metal slug, Resident Evil and others but this are the most important.

Nowadays, I sold my Ps3 for buy the “new” PS4 but other things have changed my plans and now I saving for it.

Manchester United is my favorite team in Fifa. I'm invincible with this team
Resultado de imagen para resident evil 5

and this game was the first game of "horror" I played because I was afraid others

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