martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Moments of my life

I don’t have just one favorite picture so I chose some of the most important moments in my life

The first picture is when me and my friends went to the beach in February, I like this photograph because they are my best friends and that week was the funniest in all summer.

The second picture was when we all had lunch together like students of chemistry in the college. This moment for me was very special because in that moment I felt I was in the right place doing the thing that I love


And the last picture was when my family and I went to the cinema in January to watch Star Wars (my favorite saga) in 3DX. It was a very exciting moment when the yellow letters appeared in the screen I felt like a child in a candy shop. That day was very important to me because we never go out together and that day we were able to enjoy the movie and I remember it as a  happy family moment.

10 comentarios:

  1. if you never went to el kisko, you never went to the beach with your friends xd

  2. your brother is always with you, it seems is very special for you

  3. your brother is always with you, it seems is very special for you

  4. The firt launch together!!!!! Niceeee!!! i remember that day and the horoscopes. I felt the same, I was in the correct place :)

  5. OMG you're so cute! I love the second picture :)

  6. I have the second photograph as one of my favourite moments too anda I feel the same of you <3

  7. I can see myself in the second pic :D
