martes, 19 de abril de 2016


When I was a kid and the people asking me what I want for the rest of my life and I respond:” I will become in a teacher” because I love the satisfaction when you help someone and in this case when you help to someone younger than you to follow their dreams. That´s the reason why I choose in first time being a teacher but time went by I prefer other careers like medicine and even being soccer player but I´m very bad playing. In second year of high school, my chemistry teacher says some very important to me, she says:” We must choose a career in which we are the best”, and that’s the reason why I want to study Chemistry and Pharmaceutics.

When I knew the result of the test PSU, I feel very disappointment because this score don’t be enough for the career so I decided in the moment study Chemistry. When the subject “Introduccion a la Carrera de quimica” start I felt I was in the right place and that’s the career that I looking for.

My goals now are try to became in a chemical and work maybe in a college or in a project for the children´s where they discover the wonderful world of chemistry.

2 comentarios:

  1. do you like the childrens enter to the chemistry field? good luck whith your objective bro!
