martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Gettin to know Maxi

Hello, my name is Maximiliano Efrain Calderon Bravo, but everyone call me maxi. I was born in May, 12th 1998 in Lima, Peru. My family consists of my father Silvano , my mother Tatiana,  my oldest brother Hector , my cats Chumingo and Carlota  and my dog Hippie.

When I had 4 years, I moving to Santiago because my parents mist their country and we start living in La Florida until today. I studied since the first grade to six grade in the Liahona School. After that, I started study since seven grade to last year of high school at José Victorino Lastarria high school. Currently, I Chemistry at Universidad de Chile college.

My favorite activities are play not matter what with my friends. They are my support when I´m sad and the reason because I consider me a happy person. I really like play soccer, videogames and lately I like play rugby after college. Also, I like dye my hair with extravagant colors.

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