miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Post Graduate Studies

Its a very important decision when someone  decides start some major or phD because the money and the time expended is only a few factors that you have to sacrifice for improve in an area about your career.
But in spite of all the sacrifice, its a very important step in our formation like professional. Also, the benefits of finish succesfully a major or a phD  increase the posibilities of get a better job or at least earn more money.
Personally, I dont think start a major or phD when finish my carrer but I love the idea to start a new career like Pedagogy in chemistry, obviously. My dream allways was teach sciences but specifically  chemistry for the new scientists of Chile. I love how does that sound, help for the childrens get more interest in sciences and hopefully, the government provide programs and scolarships for people who interest sciences will makes a real changes in our country and the world.
So, thats my plan when finish this career, get a job like chemist  and  start to study a new career to become in  teacher and after that,teach to the children in my own laboratory and so they have the luck of live the experience of work in a lab and the importance of sciences in the development of the world.

9 comentarios:

  1. You will be a great teacher! Maybe you study a Master Degree and use it for teach more things to your childrens.

  2. Infinite respect for you if you want to become a teacher, that's awesome

  3. Being a teacher would be awesome, and better if you like it, focusing all your knowledge on the new generations !

  4. i think that there is not anything more wonderful that teach about something you love

  5. The way you express your wishes to be a teacher is awesome, I think you will be a great professor

  6. I think that study what are you studying right now it will help you a lot :o! you will have a great knowledge base ññ

  7. the way you describe how you really want to be a teacher, hope you can make it

  8. You will have such a great responsibility, but also such a rewarding job. Good luck in educating the future of the country (and planet)!!

  9. oh yes, is much money and time do a post graduate study.
