miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Summer Holidays

For me, planning activities for the summer is something very fun because in my mind I think a lots of activities like travel or hang out with my friends to some places that in the year its more difficult to visit.
My plans for the next summer are hopefully travel to Cordoba to see my cousin Jose, he lives in there since August for studies and also he got a chance to play rugby in Tala, a very important club in Cordoba. I love rugby too, so he invited me and my others cousins to spend a week  with he and their team, he says rugby lives differently there, I mean, its more thrilling even more than soccer.
Another plan in mind is go to the south of Chile with my brother. My brother and I are very close and everytime we do it things together. He is a very good company because he complements me very well. Nevertheless, like all brothers in the world, sometimes we have arguments but always can fix them and spend a great time together.
But my plans are not only with my brother. I pretend travel even one day with my son, I really want create some memories with him because when I see the pictures with my dad I really feel something indescribable. So, I want the same for Matias.
But no only you can travel in the summer, You can go to the cinema, to the pool, make a picnic and many others activities. My favorite activity is when you walk trough some park and see all the kids playing with water, running and climbing the trees or when you hang out with someone special for you and see her smile with the sun behind.


2 comentarios:

  1. I hope you can go out with your son, that is a very beautiful feeling :)

  2. So cute... and also the best name you could choose for your son
