miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

I dont think I have an addiction because I consider myself too lazy to have one, I mean, I get bored very quickly about some activitie or substance. but I know the risk to have some addiction like alcohol or marijuana and this is one of the less dangerous in my perspective comparing with others "hard drugs" like crack or cocaine.
I think anything suibstance  in excess is dangerous, even water or exercises for example. Also, so many people says "we have only one life so we must try everything" or "somehow we have to die" to excuse some addiction but I think we must have some respect for our body. In other words, if you have to work the next day is not very smart if you get drunk the night before, but if you do not have anything do not worry about it or if you prefer stay awake watching some series or movie.
maybe one "addiction" I have  is play video games alone but strictly in the night. I do not know why but in the night I watch things that in every other moment of the day I dont see . Its sounds very  stupid but for me have a lot of sense. so, when I buy some new game for my PS4 I only play when its dark and quiet in my room.
When I was a child, one of my "addictions" was collect frog plush.My dad brought me each week one for my collection. Until day, I have 30 in my room without counting other teddies I have.

4 comentarios:

  1. You're a really fan of frogs. I never meet somebody with that addiction!

  2. jajaja really, you have a problem, i'm going to report you

  3. jkdfjk Its sounds very stupid but I understand what you mean with do things only in the night
