miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Old and New Hobbies

I consider myself a person who gets bored very quickly of every activity. But some activities I love since I was a kid. When I arrived in Chile in 2002 for Christmas, my Aunt and her boyfriend gave us the Nintendo 64 with two games controllers to my brother and I. At that time I fell in love with video games. With him, we stay awake for four or five hours at night playing video games like Resident Evil saga or some matches in FIFA. Also, we decided who  makes dinner or wash the dishes with a "fifita". It's funny because he always ask me to rematch. Currently, we save money for the best game in the world, "Star Wars: Battlefront 2". this game will be available in November and I can not wait to have it in my hands.
Another of my favorite hobbies are watch some series, this is a Hobbie recently but very addictive. When my brother and I can not play, I kill the time watching some TV shows. My favorite series are the ones that make me imagine myself in this universe or I can see the evolution of the characters. For example, "The Walking Dead" is one of my favorite series because I can imagine running from the zombies or making difficult decisions for my family. 
Star Wars, the clone war. I love this series because it is Star Wars universe. Also, explain in detail why the Jedi are "knights of peace" and what  are their job to keep the peace in the universe.

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