viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

My future job

When I start my studies in the faculty my dream was open an independent drugstore in Santiago but in a place where the people dont have money for pay expensives prices of their medicine. In that time, I will pretend change from Chemistry to Pharmacy but when I finish the first year, I discovered my true drive was teach child about the wonderfull world of chemistry.
Actually, sometimes I earn some money teaching chemistry to childs in high school. The feeling when they show me their marks and see how they improve and get more interested in sciences is something indescribable.
My dream actually is study Pedagogy and hopefully work in the school that I studied. Also, I love the idea about travel around the world to places with non resources and teach to the childrens about science.

miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Old and New Hobbies

I consider myself a person who gets bored very quickly of every activity. But some activities I love since I was a kid. When I arrived in Chile in 2002 for Christmas, my Aunt and her boyfriend gave us the Nintendo 64 with two games controllers to my brother and I. At that time I fell in love with video games. With him, we stay awake for four or five hours at night playing video games like Resident Evil saga or some matches in FIFA. Also, we decided who  makes dinner or wash the dishes with a "fifita". It's funny because he always ask me to rematch. Currently, we save money for the best game in the world, "Star Wars: Battlefront 2". this game will be available in November and I can not wait to have it in my hands.
Another of my favorite hobbies are watch some series, this is a Hobbie recently but very addictive. When my brother and I can not play, I kill the time watching some TV shows. My favorite series are the ones that make me imagine myself in this universe or I can see the evolution of the characters. For example, "The Walking Dead" is one of my favorite series because I can imagine running from the zombies or making difficult decisions for my family. 
Star Wars, the clone war. I love this series because it is Star Wars universe. Also, explain in detail why the Jedi are "knights of peace" and what  are their job to keep the peace in the universe.

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

Our Amazing Human Body

I dont very sure if the legs  are calified in the category of "organs" but I think is a very important  part of our body. They are made for us to walk ,. jump, run, climb and so many other activities and without them we never make possible.
The legs are more complicated than we see, I mean, in the legs we have many muscles, veins and bones that together makes  we can enjoy our lifes. In the past, I really dont care about my body and especially my legs because when I was a child, it seems so far the future and now, the "future" is here.
Unfortunately, it was late to make a change. In May, I was injured doing my favorite sport, rugby. The first days were awful, so much pain and suffer. It was very stressful to me because I dont like asking for help and I cant do my things by myself. Also, the diagnosis about the recovery and the time that I will wait to get back to the field and practice rugby were discouraging. But, I think when we strive in our own recovery, we are rewarded.
Actually, I have to go to the kinesiologist and make the exercises that he say, it is some boring but today the diagnosis about the time that I will wait its very short and I see now the reward.

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

My best holydays

when I was a kid, my vacation was only with my mother or even with my grandmother. That's because my father was in another country and when he arrived in Chile, he worked all the time so it was very difficult for us to plan our vacations.
But, in the summer of 2014, my mom, my dad and my brother went to many beaches in Chile, like El Quisco, Papudo, Los Vilos and Guanaqueros. The funny thing about the trip was that we went in our car so we could listen to our favorite music. This served to know each other.
The climate of that summer was very pleasant, so we all enjoy the water, even my father who does not like the sea, I mean, he loves to see the sea, but he hates to swim there.
We had four wonderful days and this trip joined us and know our dreams. Unfortunately, we lost the camera so we do not have photos about this "adventure", but this memory I get a space in my heart
From this summer until today, we try to go out at least once a month to not lose the tradition. It is very fun to go out with them and share moments that in my childhood did not