miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Summer Holidays

For me, planning activities for the summer is something very fun because in my mind I think a lots of activities like travel or hang out with my friends to some places that in the year its more difficult to visit.
My plans for the next summer are hopefully travel to Cordoba to see my cousin Jose, he lives in there since August for studies and also he got a chance to play rugby in Tala, a very important club in Cordoba. I love rugby too, so he invited me and my others cousins to spend a week  with he and their team, he says rugby lives differently there, I mean, its more thrilling even more than soccer.
Another plan in mind is go to the south of Chile with my brother. My brother and I are very close and everytime we do it things together. He is a very good company because he complements me very well. Nevertheless, like all brothers in the world, sometimes we have arguments but always can fix them and spend a great time together.
But my plans are not only with my brother. I pretend travel even one day with my son, I really want create some memories with him because when I see the pictures with my dad I really feel something indescribable. So, I want the same for Matias.
But no only you can travel in the summer, You can go to the cinema, to the pool, make a picnic and many others activities. My favorite activity is when you walk trough some park and see all the kids playing with water, running and climbing the trees or when you hang out with someone special for you and see her smile with the sun behind.


miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

I dont think I have an addiction because I consider myself too lazy to have one, I mean, I get bored very quickly about some activitie or substance. but I know the risk to have some addiction like alcohol or marijuana and this is one of the less dangerous in my perspective comparing with others "hard drugs" like crack or cocaine.
I think anything suibstance  in excess is dangerous, even water or exercises for example. Also, so many people says "we have only one life so we must try everything" or "somehow we have to die" to excuse some addiction but I think we must have some respect for our body. In other words, if you have to work the next day is not very smart if you get drunk the night before, but if you do not have anything do not worry about it or if you prefer stay awake watching some series or movie.
maybe one "addiction" I have  is play video games alone but strictly in the night. I do not know why but in the night I watch things that in every other moment of the day I dont see . Its sounds very  stupid but for me have a lot of sense. so, when I buy some new game for my PS4 I only play when its dark and quiet in my room.
When I was a child, one of my "addictions" was collect frog plush.My dad brought me each week one for my collection. Until day, I have 30 in my room without counting other teddies I have.

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Post Graduate Studies

Its a very important decision when someone  decides start some major or phD because the money and the time expended is only a few factors that you have to sacrifice for improve in an area about your career.
But in spite of all the sacrifice, its a very important step in our formation like professional. Also, the benefits of finish succesfully a major or a phD  increase the posibilities of get a better job or at least earn more money.
Personally, I dont think start a major or phD when finish my carrer but I love the idea to start a new career like Pedagogy in chemistry, obviously. My dream allways was teach sciences but specifically  chemistry for the new scientists of Chile. I love how does that sound, help for the childrens get more interest in sciences and hopefully, the government provide programs and scolarships for people who interest sciences will makes a real changes in our country and the world.
So, thats my plan when finish this career, get a job like chemist  and  start to study a new career to become in  teacher and after that,teach to the children in my own laboratory and so they have the luck of live the experience of work in a lab and the importance of sciences in the development of the world.