martes, 19 de abril de 2016


When I was a kid and the people asking me what I want for the rest of my life and I respond:” I will become in a teacher” because I love the satisfaction when you help someone and in this case when you help to someone younger than you to follow their dreams. That´s the reason why I choose in first time being a teacher but time went by I prefer other careers like medicine and even being soccer player but I´m very bad playing. In second year of high school, my chemistry teacher says some very important to me, she says:” We must choose a career in which we are the best”, and that’s the reason why I want to study Chemistry and Pharmaceutics.

When I knew the result of the test PSU, I feel very disappointment because this score don’t be enough for the career so I decided in the moment study Chemistry. When the subject “Introduccion a la Carrera de quimica” start I felt I was in the right place and that’s the career that I looking for.

My goals now are try to became in a chemical and work maybe in a college or in a project for the children´s where they discover the wonderful world of chemistry.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Gettin to know Maxi

Hello, my name is Maximiliano Efrain Calderon Bravo, but everyone call me maxi. I was born in May, 12th 1998 in Lima, Peru. My family consists of my father Silvano , my mother Tatiana,  my oldest brother Hector , my cats Chumingo and Carlota  and my dog Hippie.

When I had 4 years, I moving to Santiago because my parents mist their country and we start living in La Florida until today. I studied since the first grade to six grade in the Liahona School. After that, I started study since seven grade to last year of high school at José Victorino Lastarria high school. Currently, I Chemistry at Universidad de Chile college.

My favorite activities are play not matter what with my friends. They are my support when I´m sad and the reason because I consider me a happy person. I really like play soccer, videogames and lately I like play rugby after college. Also, I like dye my hair with extravagant colors.