domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

In general, changes to the study programme  takes a lot of time because this it implies a lot of factors like time, people ,how expensive and how convenient is this new changes in the programme but always we can raise our voice and demands new improvements and that get a better formation like professionals and not only us but also the future students of the faculty.
When I decided study chemistry, the first thing I saw was the programme of the career, I mean, which subjects and labs I will have to pass for become in Chemist. So, I saw the  programme of many colleges and obviously, I decided to study here in this faculty.
I love the faculty programme but in others areas it fails. For example, I think is nothing more pleasant than a nap on the grass or when you eat in a place comfortable but in our faculty we dont have tables or green areas for everyone and this little things I think makes a big difference in our perfomance in our studies.
But not everything is bad in our faculty, I consider the teachers are great professionals when we talk about teaching, they always says where are their office for we can go and solve our doubts when in the class they cant and I really appreciate that.
Also, the faculty It has been able to stay in a line with technology, I mean, it has known how to implement the new technological tools so that we students can take advantage of them. For example, being able to take subjects online or check our marks from our phone is something incredible.